Elektra Phi
Elektra Phi is a marketplace for Clean energy providers and their customers to find each other
Elektra Phi create the solutions together with a personalised pathway to implement those solutions.
Over 90% of Australian consumers and businesses are concerned about environmental sustainability, only half believe they are doing their fair share to protect the planet according to a recent HP Australia report.
Consumers rely on difficult to information from businesses and there is a general lack of awareness around how consumers can best put their good intentions into practice.
Australia’s electricity market is currently dominated by ageing fossil fuel-based electricity generators, with only 14.6% of electricity coming from renewable energy like solar and wind (Clean Energy Council 2016). At the same time, research suggests that Australia would need to source a minimum of 50% of its power from renewable sources by 2030 to achieve emissions reductions consistent with a 2°C pathway (ClimateWorks 2014).
Elektra Phi provides a simple interface via web and app that sustainable energy businesses can use to create profiles, services, products, informational content and capture reviews and referrals on. All businesses will be vetted and only allowed to list if they meet certain criteria. Setting up on the platform is free for service providers.
Consumers create a profile on the app and answer a simple questionnaire about what their environmental sustainability goals are. The platform/app connects the consumer with the right supplier in the right location to match the consumers needs. Small, new and highly innovative energy businesses with a high level of decentralised supply with proven sustainable energy options will get the same level of access to potential customers as the big players rather than competing on a platform like Google that takes a long time using SEO strategies that might get the business in front of the right customer at the right time.